Avoiding Teacher & Student Burn Out

Helping students reach their maximum potential isn’t always easy; but, when you think outside of the box you can overcome any challenge. At Nimbus Christian Education we have been working hard to help educators effectively support students along their educational journey.

Whether students are struggling or require an added challenge, educators need resources that are beneficial to all students. Providing extra time to complete a course or even repeating a course is critical to academic success. Allowing children to simply complete a unit without mastering the subject matter creates learning gaps. Similarly, academically advanced students who are not challenged often become stagnant, bored and working well below their potential. Students in either of these situations are equally at risk of jeopardizing their academic success and future endeavours.

Depending on the size of the school, there may be an opportunity to have two or more classes run at once. Or perhaps it’s too difficult to offer various electives in a small community. Scheduling conflicts can often determine if these options are even viable, and result in unrealized academic achievements.

Offering courses throughout the year could help students get caught up and begin a fresh start in the new school year. This could also help students stay connected while away from school for various reasons (travelling, prolonged illness, etc.). As technology continues to evolve, there are many options to counteract unique circumstances and challenges.

As experienced educators, we know and understand the importance of utilizing advanced technology to avoid teacher and student burn out. Multi-grade classrooms can benefit from online courses that are interactive and engaging. Flexible scheduling for your classes not only breaks up the monotony, but provides more opportunities for educational enrichment. Address new or unique course requests and vacant teaching positions with access to state-of-the-art technology. Encouraging students to participate in dual credit programs can also be more efficient with online courses. In addition, the financial sustainability of online learning keeps the school budget intact while maintaining high academic standards.

At Nimbus Christian Education, we remain dedicated to supporting both teachers and students through advanced technology. Effectively teaching students begins with providing teachers with the best resources. Both struggling and advanced students need teachers that have uninterrupted access to technology that goes beyond traditional educational methods. To find out how your school can benefit from online Christian educational resources, contact us at: office@nimbuseducation.ca